1. Human Dental Trivia:
- The Statue of Liberty’s mouth is 3 feet wide.
- Dentistry is affordable- National Spending:
- Dental: $ 50 Billion
- Hair Care: $ 100 Billion
- Gambling (legal): $ 300 Billion
- A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at over 600 mph!
- Most tooth loss in people under 35 years of age is caused by athletic trauma, fights or accidents.
- Most tooth loss in people over age 35 is from Periodontal Disease.
- Children begin to develop their primary teeth 6 weeks after conception while in their mothers womb.
- If you don’t floss, you miss cleaning 35% of your tooth surfaces.
- A tooth that has been knocked out starts to die within 15 minutes, but if you put it in milk or hold it in your mouth it will survive longer. See a dentist ASAP!
- Today less than 10% of adults over age 65 have lost teeth.
- The first nylon bristled toothbrush with a plastic handle was invented in 1938.
- The first American to get a patent for a toothbrush was H.N. Wadsworth.
- Egyptians used a form of toothpaste over 5000 years ago.
- Colgate dental cream was packaged in collapsible tubes in 1896.
- Approximately $2 billion a year is spent on dental products a year in the United States . (toothpaste, mouthwash, floss and toothbrushes)
- According to a “Time Magazine Survey”, 59% of Americans would rather sit in a Dentist’s chair than sit next to someone on a cell phone.
- Jaw muscles can contract with a force as great as 55 pounds of pressure on anterior incisors, and 200 pounds of pressure on back molars.
- 90% of systemic diseases have oral manifestations.
- Regular dental cleanings can help prevent heart attacks.
- Tooth Decay is the 2nd most common disease in the U.S. after the common cold.
- Adults have 32 teeth, children have 20 teeth.
- U.S. and Japanese studies have found that black or green tea has antibacterial powers that help prevent cavities and gum disease.
- The first set of false teeth were discovered in the 8 th century BC
- 20% percentage of patients wear braces between the ages of twenty and sixty
- Most children are brought to the dentist for their visit at the age of three.
- There are 60 herbs commonly sited for treatment of dental problems in ancient Chinese medical books.
- Not long ago, dentures were common wedding gifts in the British Isles because many people expected to eventually lose all of their teeth and expedited the process by having them extracted at an early age.
- Certain cheeses including Aged Cheddar, Swiss and Monterey Jack, have been found to protect teeth from decay
- Not only is tooth decay the most common and widespread disease of humankind, it is the oldest. Skulls of pre-historic humans have been examined and tooth decay has been found.
2. Animal Dental Trivia:
- Dogs have 42 teeth while cats have 30 teeth.
- Armadillos have as many as 104 teeth.
- Sharks have an unlimited supply of teeth.
- Even though whales are very big, some of them don’t have any teeth. They have rows of stiff hair-like combs that take food from the ocean.
- Snails are very small but they have thousands of tiny teeth all lined up in rows.
- Minnows have teeth in their throat.
- A crocodile replaces its teeth over 40 times in a lifetime.
- Turtles and Tortoises are toothless.
- A mosquito has 47 teeth.
- An Elephant’s tooth can weigh over 6 pounds. That’s heavier than a big jug of milk!
- Fangs are not found in all snakes, but all snakes do have teeth, usually 6 rows worth. The teeth are curved backwards, just like the barbs on a fishing hook which keeps their prey from escaping.
- “Long in the Tooth”, meaning “old”, was originally used to describe horses. As a horse ages, their gums recede, giving the impression that their teeth are growing in length. The longer the teeth look, the older the horse.
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